No He Did Not Have A Tragic Kitty Accident!
Manx painted on the side of a hill on the Isle of Mann. Looks a little like Sable.
Many times when people see my Manx Sable, they asked how he lost his tail. My inclination is to say that when he was a kitten , we had his tail docked to match our black Doberman. Sable objects to this sarcastic response. He does not want anyone to think he ever did anything to look like any kind of dog, purebred or not. Besides Sable knows that,"Puppy Thing" was not purebred. It took a lot of catnip to keep Sable from telling that poor ole dog. Like all of my household pets, Puppy Thing passed years ago.The immortal Manx, Sable, lives to harass a new generation of canine companions
Sable the Milk Inspector
Royal Celtic Cat Food Inspector
Many in my family will think I will be the crazy cat lady who spends her meager social security check on what on wet cat food.. This actually is not true for I have two dogs that consume and control most my time. Still I have a twenty year old Manx that is most definitely head of my housecat herd.
Sable is the perfect cat and is pretty much been so since kitten hood. A perfect Celtic cat he was born on March 17th. This is by far my favorite cat breed. The Manx is truly cool cat; in both appearance and personality. I used to think Sable thought he was a dog. But this is actually just a trait of the breed that enjoys a good game of fetch.
Sable does not have any of the typically neurotic tendencies I’ve seen an ordinary house cats. When faced with having to take kitty medicine or tolerate a flea treatment Sable is always up to the challenge.
The only really irritating trait this cat has is a tendency to think all humans have some sort of short-term memory loss that requires him to head butt you at 5 am to remember to fill his bowl.
Sable seems particularly fine with nibbling small amounts of human food. He is the official taste tester of everything that comes out of my kitchen. He only takes a couple bites the moves on to the next person. Everyone in my house must have there food inspected and sampled by Sable. some reason needs to have his food tested to. I’ve read the Manx cats are very protective towards their families. Still I find this behavior strange; unless someone in my household is part of a royal plot to poison an unknown King. I am not sure why the cat does it.
Sable the Immortal Manx in 96. He will still be laughing at the dogs, Christmas 2013.
The Tall and Sometimes Truthful Tales of the Tailless Cat!
My kids enjoyed feeding Sable spaghetti, as he eats it just as if he were a cartoon cat in Lady and the Tramp. It has made me think Italy was maybe the origin of the Manx.
There are many tales of the tailless cat known as the Manx or ‘Rumpy’ from the Isle of Man. I have a round headed cranky, yet cocky, old black Manx believes that them. Some of these tales actually explain some of the “personality " this old breed has.
There is a biblical account of the origin of Manx Cats according to some. My current older dogs claim they lost their tails as punishment for kitty vanity. Manx in the Garden of Eden, were always playing my tail is longer than your tail game. God in his wisdom , had to give the celtic cat some defect, so he took his perfect and really long tail. The dog tried to tell Sable if he knocked food off the counter to the floor for him, God would regrow his tale. Sable did not fall for this at all. Sable learned a long time ago, nothing comes of chasing tail, especially if you never had one.
I have no scriptural reference for Manx, but I am sure Sable make up one if you ask. The story goes that a cat was late to get on Noah’s arc and Noah “accidentally ‘closed the door on the poor cat’s tail. The door was so heavy it took off this Celtic cat rather long regal tail.A poem by an unknown kitty prophet states the following. The cat said to Noah “Oh, Captain Noah wait! I'll catch the mice to give you thanks. So the Cat got in.But oh, , the tail was two slow”.
The true origin of the Manx Cats is unknown. The most poplar legend says that two ships of the Spanish Armada wrecked near the Isle of Mann. An Isle of Man newspaper said the “in 1808 a Spanish Galleon was wrecked on Jurby Point, and a rumpy cat swam ashore".
Another Manx and shipwreck story states that a Baltic ship wrecked were the source of the regal rumpies.. Apparently, when the ship came near port; two tailless cats jumped from the bowsprit. Salvage ships were waiting to loot the naval mishap. One of these salvage crews saved the doomed tailless cats.They lived to make kittens on the Isle of Man.
A Welsh legend says the Manx cats were the offspring of ancient Goddess. They migrated from Cornwell to the west of England ending up on the Isle of Mann. Sable believes they moved because they were being bothered by snotty English fox hounds who did not appreciate their sacred roots.
The following legend Sable claims is the most truthful. It is believed by those who live on the Isle of Mann; that Manx cats have their own king. The king of the Manx is a boring run of the mill house cat by day. During the stupid kitty hours,always after midnight that special male Manx comes into his regal celtic King cat powers. If you own a male Manx do not be unkind to the cat. The King of the Manx will take awful revenge, Sable recently told newest herd member this story. Sable lied and said he was secretly the King of the Manx.The poor pup, a four pound hamster like hound was scared. Harvey the Hamster Hound, turned over control of his tasty puppy kibble to Sable immediately. Sable will not be denied his tuna or his place at head of the household herd of cats, dogs, and cockatiels.They fear to displease prince Sable.
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